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Save Environment - Rules and Regulations

Watch a provided video and then provide a summary in the share form
- 5 Points per video

Conduct a webinar or community Zoom call (invite USKIDS4WATER, minimum of 5 attendees, Presentation made by participant)
- 15 points

In the act category, participants are tasked to use their knowledge and take action using it. You may volunteer for a community project or your own project.

Attend a USKIDS4WATER webinar (We will be taking attendance at the beginning + end)

 - 10 points each

Create one 10 minute educational YouTube video 

- 15 points

Read any environment-related article and then write a summary and share it with us

- 15 points each

Your own creative idea of share and share with us

- 15 points

General Conditions:

  • All ages welcome

  • International participants are welcome (Disbursement of prize money will be based on your country's financial regulations)

  • Can sign up as an individual or group

  • Participants are required to log their activities on the website

  • Committee decision will be final

  • This initiative will run for May 15 to July 30

  • The Program is voluntary in nature and USKIDS4WATER reserves the right to terminate the program with no commitment to the program thereafter


  • The first 200 participants to reach 50 points will win a $5 Amazon gift card 

  • 27 winners will be chosen from the “Act” category based on the quality of their project and the impact their project has made on the environment. The winners will be given money to donate to the project of their choice (if money is not given directly to the participant, the donation will be made in the participant’s name)

Overall Prizes:

  • The total prizes available are​

    • $200 five prizes for kids

    • $500 ten prizes for adult

    • $1000 Two jumbo prize

  • Participants ages 8-13 will have 10 $100 prizes reserved for them

  • Certificates and volunteer hours will be emailed to each participant upon completion of each category

  • A trophy will be given to winners

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